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Dear partners:


We are pleased to inform you that our company name has changed. The original company name "Henan Green Harmony Energy Conservation and Environment Protection Technology Co., Ltd." has been changed to "JGHECEPT Co., Ltd.".


This change is to better reflect the development and strategic positioning of our company. The new company name will take effect in all documents, contracts and communications.


Please note that in addition to the change of company name, our organizational structure, legal entity, employee team and contact information remain unchanged. This change will not have any negative impact on our partnerships and business processes.


We will gradually update the company's brand logo, website and related documents to reflect the new company name. During the transition period, we will ensure a smooth process and provide you with any necessary information in a timely manner.


If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation with our company.


Best wishes!


New company name: JGHECEPT Co., Ltd.